Tänään aion jakaa kanssasi parhaat raaka lemmikkieläinten ruoan tuotemerkit. On olemassa tonnia raaka lemmikkieläinten ruokaa yrityksiä valita, mikä on hienoa! Se osoittaa, että ihmiset ja tuotemerkit ymmärtävät raakavalion terveyttä hyötyä koirille, kuten:
Alennetut korva-infektiot
Vähemmän allergioita
Vähemmän poop!
Vähemmän lemmikkikoira haju
Vähentynyt syöpäriski
Puhdas hampaat
Pehmeät, kiiltävät takit
Koska siellä on niin paljon merkkejä, en voi olla minun pup testi niitä kaikki (vaikka hän rakastaa kokeilemaan)! Jos sinulla on suosikki brändi, mainitse se lopulta kommenteissa. Haluaisin selvittää paljon enemmän siitä!
Olen Barbara-jokia ja kirjoitan usein siitä mutt. Olen bloggaaja, raaka syöttö ja ylläpitää blogin K9SoverCoffee.
Olen ruokkinut omia koiria raaka lemmikkieläinten ruokaa ottaen huomioon, että 2015 ja sai sertifikaatin raaka lemmikkieläinten koiranruokan ravitsemuslääkäri koirista luonnollisesti aikakauslehti 2020 -luvulla.
Tämän mielessä seuraavat ovat suosikkini kaupallinen raaka lemmikkieläinten ruoanrummut!
Paras raaka lemmikkieläinten koiran tuotemerkit sisältyvät tähän viestiin:
Raaka tassut
Raw Feeding Miami
Stella & Chewyn
Steven todellinen ruoka
Vilpitön keittiö
Isoäiti Lucy’s
Dr. Harvey’s
* Hanki kolme ilmaista raakaa lemmikkieläinten koiranruoka reseptejä nyt! Klikkaa tästä
10 parasta raakaa lemmikkieläinten ruoan tuotemerkkejä
# 1: Darwinin luonnollinen lemmikki
Darwin käyttää valmiiksi valmistettua raakaa lemmikkieläinten ruokaa 8 unssissa patties. Olen itse asiassa aloittanut raaka-ruokintamatkan Darwinin takana vuonna 2015 ja mielestäni se on yksi parhaista raaka lemmikkieläinten ruoan tuotemerkit.
Darwin on sponsori siitä mutt. Voit saada 10 kiloa ruokaa vain 14,95 dollaria! Ilmainen toimitus ja vaadittu koodi! Opi paljon enemmän täällä.
Darwinin alukset Yhdysvalloissa
Darwin sijaitsee länsirannikolla Tukwilassa, pese. Ja alukset valtakunnallisesti Yhdysvalloissa raaka lemmikkieläinten ruokaa ei ole saatavilla lemmikkieläinten vähittäismyymälöissä.
Darwinin raaka-elintarvikkeiden hinta
Darwin käyttää 3 eri riviä raaka-lemmikkieläinten ruokaa, jotka vaihtelevat hinnasta $ 4.69 / lb $ 8,90 / lb. Toimitus on aina ilmainen!
Asetukset tilattaessa Darwinin:
Luonnonvalinnat Raw Pet Dog Food. Valmistettu vapaiden lihan ja orgaanisten vihannesten kanssa. Saatavana kana, ankka, kalkkuna, naudanliha ja karitsa. Tämä on Lindsayn lemmikkikoira Remy syö!
Biologiset raaka lemmikkieläinten ruokaa. Valmistettu tavanomaisesti nostetuilla / kasvatetuilla lihoilla ja vihanneksilla ja paljon edullisempaa. Se on saatavilla kanan, kalkkunan ja naudanlihan.
Älykäs muotoilu Eläinlääkkeet koirille. luotu tukemaan tiettyjä terveyskysymyksiä ja vain reseptillä. Se on saatavana KS munuaistukimuodossa, LS Maksa Support Formula, CS Cancer -tukikaava ja JMS (nivel- ja tuki- ja liikuntaelinten) kaava.
Bonus: Darwinilla on esittelytarjous 10lb: n raaka lemmikkieläinten ruokaa vain 14,95 dollaria. Tarkista se täältä.
Darwinin raaka-aine
Ainesosat Darwinin raakaa ruokaa
Kaikki Darwinin ateriat ovat gluteeniton ja vehnän vapaa. He ovat tehneet noin 75% lihaa, 24% vihanneksia ja 1% erityisestä ravinteiden sekoituksesta. Tarkka suhde riippuu yksittäisestä linjasta ja proteiinilähteestä.
Tässä on 2 esimerkkiä:
Biologiset kana: 74,58% Liha, 24,64% vihannekset, 0,78% erityinen ravintoaine
Biologiset naudat: 72,41% Liha, 24,43% Vihannekset, 3,15% erityinen ravintoaine
Ainesosan näyte luonnonvalinnoille Kana:
Kananliha, kanankaulat (mukaan lukien luu), kana-gizzards, kananmurskaimet, kana sydämet, yams, romaine salaatti, porkkana, keltainen squash, zucchini, selleri, persilja, orgaaninen pellavansiemenöljy, merisuola, inuliini, turskamaksaöljy, sinkki proteinaali , Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Vitamin E, Manganese Proteinate, Thiamine Mononitrate and Iodine.
Erilaisia tuotteita
Darwinilla on loistava tuotevalikoima ja käyttää kanaa, kalkkuna, ankka, naudanliha ja karitsa.
Remy odottaa hänen Darwinin ateriaa
Darwinin arvostelut
Google: 4.3 ulos 5 tähteä
Facebook: 4.1 5 tähteä
Lue, että Darwinin perusteellisena tarkistus on täällä.
Hyödyt ja haitat Darwinin raaka-aineesta
Darwinin ammattilaiset:
Ilmainen toimitus
Edullinen esittelijä – Kokeile sitä täällä
Toimittaa ovellesi auto-aluksella
Valinta orgaanisten ja tavanomaisten ainesosien välillä
Kätevä 8oZ-pussit EZ Peel Auton kanssa
Vapaa lemmikkieläinten ruokaa kuuleminen
High quality raw pet dog food
Veterinary line of food
Nationwide delivery within the U.S.
Email reminders before every shipment with the option to cancel or change the order
If you feed the “prey model” raw approach, Darwin’s might not be the best option for you because it consists of some vegetables.
Remy eating his Darwin’s meal
#2: Raw Paws
Raw Paws Pet Food is a commercial raw pet dog food vendor that uses pre-made raw pet dog food, but they also sell a few individual cuts of raw meat. They offer products with and without vegetables and fruit so the meals work for different styles of raw feeding.
I’ve placed orders on and off with them considering that 2016 and think they are one of the best raw pet dog food brands
Availability across the US
Raw Paws Pet Food is located in Indianapolis, and ships within the continentalU.S. Orders placed weekdays by 2 p.m. ship the same day. Orders placed on Saturdays and Sundays ship on Monday.
Their raw pet dog food is not available to buy in pet retail stores, but they do offer local pickup from their storehouse on weekdays.
Cost of Raw Paws
Raw Paws Pet Food’s complete blends range in price between $6.49/lb to $9.49/lb. shipping is complimentary with orders $199+. below that, they have a shipping flat rate of $25. They also offer complimentary shipping with their variety Packs (10 lb, 19 lb, and 20 lb).
Bonus: They have an introductory offer that’s called complete intro variety for $69. It consists of 8lb of complete blends + 16 oz of raw goat milk.
They also have a Sales section.
Raw Paws Ingredients
Raw Paws Pet Food says that it sources its ingredients from “responsible and ethical farms.” It uses blends with and without vegetables. all of its blends are complimentary of antibiotics, fillers, additives and preservatives.
Their beef, chicken, turkey, goat and lamb lines are sourced from free-range animals on a family farm in Indiana.
The duck line is sourced from free-run, USDA-inspected ducks raised on family farms who were humanly harvested.
All of the vegetables are also grown on Indiana farms. The mackerel (oily fish) used in some of their blends is wild-caught in the Atlantic.
Ingredient sample for complete Beef and Mackerel:
Beef Round, Beef Meat, Wild-Caught Mackerel, Beef Bone, Beef Heart, Beef Tongue, Beef Liver, Beef Kidney, Beef Spleen, and Beef Suet.
Variety of products from Raw Paws
Raw Paws Pet Food has a huge product selection, including fish (mackerel).
Their complete blends are available as:
Beef and tripe ($7.49/lb)
Beef ($6.49/lb)
Mackerel and beef ($6.49/lb)
Vegetables and beef ($6.49/lb)
Chicken ($6.49/lb)
Chicken and vegetables ($6.49/lb)
Turkey ($5.69/lb)
Goat ($9.49/lb)
Goat and beef ($8.49/lb)
Lamb ($9.49/lb)
Duck ($7.99/lb)
Reviews of Raw Paws
Yelp: 5 out of 5 stars.
Facebook: 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Pros and cons of Raw Paws
High quality raw pet dog food
Vast variety of products
Free shipping with a certain price point and on select products
Very quick order/shipping turnaround time
Free meal plan
Nationwide delivery within the continental U.S.
There are blends with or without vegetables
Their substantial product selection is overwhelming!
* Hanki kolme ilmaista raakaa lemmikkieläinten koiranruoka reseptejä nyt! Klikkaa tästä
#3: Answers Pet Food
Answers Pet Food is a commercial raw pet dog food brand that specializes in fermented raw foods. Fermentation enhances the nutritional value of raw foods because it adds good bacteria to it that pre-digest the food. This in turn makes it much easier for our pups to assimilate nutrients.
I only found out about this brand recently (mid 2020) when I wanted to pick up some goat milk for my pup Wally at a local pet merchant and saw Answer’s fermented raw cow milk kefir in the freezer section instead.
I’m pleased by their fermented formulas because it’s so much a lot more convenient than having to ferment my own foods, which I have considered doing.
Answers also supplied my pet dog Wally with some samples of their food while writing this article.
Availability across the U.S.
Answers Pet Food is located in Fleetwood, PA. Their complete and balanced diets (and all other products) are available nationwide within the U.S., but they currently only offer online orders on the east Coast.
For now, the rest of the country can get their products in brick-and-mortar pet retail stores. You can find the closest one to you here. The closest one to me is only 10 minutes away and I live on the east coast in NC, so I got lucky!
Cost of Answers raw food
Their prices for the complete and balanced diets range in price between $5.46/lb and $13.23/lb.
My pet dog Wally
Ingredients in Answers Pet Food
All of Answer’s food consists of whole cuts of grass-fed and grass-finished gap (Global animal Partnership, animal welfare food labeling) rated meat. Their poultry and duck eggs are organic. So are their vegetables, and they’re also fermented. Their pork is sustainable and pastured.
Ingredient sample for in-depth Raw Duck:
Duck, duck heart, duck liver, ground duck bone, organic carrots, organic duck eggs, organic yellow squash, organic green beans, whey, cod liver, butter, kefir (raw cow milk, dried Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Leuconostoc mesenteroides fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus lactis fermentation product), montmorillonite, organic parsley, salt and vitamin E supplement.
Portioning out Answer’s raw beef patties. Wally gets 3/4 of a patty per meal.
Erilaisia tuotteita
Answers Pet Food has a respectable product selection.
Their complete and balanced diets aka in-depth formula each come in 1 or 4 lb paper cartons created for easy thawing, as well as “Nibbles” and Patties.
They’re available as chicken, beef, duck, pork and turkey.
Pros and Cons of Answers Pet Food
First and only fermented raw pet food vendor in the industry
Nationwide availability within the U.S.
Great for those who feed the “BARF” raw feeding model (made with vegetables)
Not fully available online
Only available in select physical pet retail stores
Not a good option for Prey model raw feeders (made with vegetables)
#4. Raw Feeding Miami (RFM)
Raw Feeding Miami is a Prey model Raw brand that uses individual cuts of raw meat for diy raw pet dog food, as well as several pre-made raw pet dog food options.
I’ve placed lots of orders with RFM considering that 2016 and believe they are one of the best raw pet dog food brands!
Availability across the US
As the name suggests, Raw Feeding Miami is located in Miami. They ship nationwide within the continental U.S., but not to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
Their raw pet dog food is not available to buy in pet retail stores, but they do offer local pickup from their warehouse. They also offer local delivery between Wednesdays and Saturdays after 6 pm to clients who live within a 30 mile radius.
Orders need to be placed 7 days in development before they are shipped, which is clearly communicated.
Cost of Raw Feeding Miami
RFM’s pre-made grinds as they call them range in price from $4.50/lb to $7.99/lb. Those are their pre-made meals that can be fed as-is.
Note: There are some pricier grinds that range in price between $9.00/lb and $12.00/lb, but they’re not balanced and can’t be fed as a complete meal.
Shipping is not free, but they have a good rewards program. With every buy you earn points that can then be redeemed on future orders. They don’t have any introductory offers, but they do have monthly specials.
Ingredients in Raw Feeding Miami
All of RFM’s meats and grinds are hormone- and antibiotic-free and sourced from “meat producers that maintain a remarkable level of sustainability and ethics behind the treatment of their animals.” all of their products are PMR only (Prey model Raw, without vegetables and fruit).
Their beef line comes from local, pastured, non-GMO cows, while their lamb lines comes from free-range new Zealand lamb. The rabbits from their rabbit line are fed a vegetable diet.
Ingredient sample for Rabbit Grinds:
Ground up whole rabbits with organs (no intestines or heads).
Erilaisia tuotteita
RFM has a huge product selection.
Their grinds are available as:
Chicken ($4.50)
Chicken and green tripe ($5.30/lb)
Beef ($5.85/lb)
Beef and green tripe ($6.00/lb)
Duck ($5.99/lb)
Goose ($7.99/lb)
Lamb ($6.10/lb)
Pork ($5.10/lb)
Rabbit ($7.99/lb)
Turkey ($5.65/lb)
Reviews or Raw Feeding Miami
Yelp: 5 out of 5 stars
Facebook: 4.9 out of 5 stars
Google: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Pros and cons of Raw Feeding Miami
High quality raw pet dog food
Vast variety of products
Nationwide delivery within the continental US
Rewards program
Edulliset hinnat
Great for Prey model Raw. Their grinds don’t include any vegetables or fruit.
No complimentary shipping
Orders need to be placed 7 days in advance
Not a good option for BARF feeders (raw pet dog food with vegetables/fruit)
#5: Stella & Chewy’s
Stella & Chewy’s is a commercial raw pet dog food brand that only uses pre-made raw food that falls into the BARF category (with vegetables and fruit).
I’ve picked up Stella & Chewy’s frozen dinner patties when I ran out of my homemade raw pet dog food.
Availability across the US
Stella & Chewy’s is located in Wisconsin. Their frozen meals are available within all of the US, but only in the freezer sections of brick-and-mortar pet retail stores. You can find the closest one to you here.
Cost of Stella & Chewy’s
Stella and Chewy’s prices vary quite a bit.
Their frozen patties are available in 3, 6, and 12 lb bags. The 12lb bags are the least expensive option on a price per lb scale. Overall, their prices for this product range between $17-$40/bag.
Ingredients in Stella & Chewy’s
Stella and Chewy’s meat ingredients are sourced from north america (beef, poultry, fish), Australia and new Zealand (beef, lamb, venison), and Europe (rabbit).
Their fruits