13 ideas to show your pet dog not to bark at the doorbell

If you want your pet dog to do a certain behavior, you have to be consistent.

Here are some ideas to show your pet dog not to bark at the doorbell

1. decide what you want your pet dog to do instead

One or two barks is ok when the doorbell rings, but nonstop barking is unnecessary. but that’s just my opinion. You know what you want your pet dog to do or not to do.

Maybe you have a pet dog bed in another room you want your pet dog to stay on. maybe you want her to go to her kennel. maybe you want her to lie down.

Or maybe you don’t mind if she barks, but you want her to keep all four paws on the ground.

Figure out what you want her to do, rather than focusing on what you don’t want. It’s easy to begin training once you have a plan.

2. practice this every day

Dogs need dozens or even hundreds of repetitions before a behavior is conditioned. That indicates I have to practice this with my pet dog at least several times a week.

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3. start by ringing the doorbell yourself.


Ring the doorbell, and then immediately direct your dog. If you want her to go to her bed, tell her the command for that.

In my case, it will be, “Remy, sit. Pysyä.” then he will get a treat. Do this about 10 times in a row. By then, some dogs will automatically do the behavior at the sound of the doorbell. Food is a lot more crucial to my pet dog than the doorbell, so he will start to think, “Doorbell. Istua. Food.”

4. also practice knocking

Do the same thing, only knock at the door loudly. give your pet dog a treat when she does what you want.

5. Pretend to answer the door, even though no one is there

Make a really big deal out of it. “Hei! Miten menee!” If your pet dog breaks from the position, put her back. remember to train your pet dog in small steps, so if this step is too challenging for her, return to an much easier step so she can be successful.

6. practice with a family member to get your pet dog not to bark at the doorbell

The next step is to have an understanding friend or family member come to the door. have them enter and re-enter the door 10 times so your pet dog gets lots of practice.

7. encourage friends to neglect your dog

The hardest part about teaching a pet dog not to jump, bark or break a stay position at the door is a lot of people who visit love dogs.

Dog lovers naturally pet, talk to, look at and make a big deal over the dog. I do the same thing.

We pet dog lovers even say things like, “Oh, it’s ok if he jumps. I don’t mind.” It’s very hard for a pet dog to stay if someone new is talking to them in an ecstatic voice or just making a big deal about the pet dog in general.

8. Be consistent whenever the doorbell rings

Dog owners tend to be pretty lenient with their dogs around other pet dog owners. At least I am. When my family members visit, I know they love Remy and don’t care if he gets pushy. but what does this show my dog? It teaches him that often he can get away with whatever he wants.

9. practice in any way the doors like the side door or back door

My pet dog Ace used to go nuts if he saw someone walk by our backyard. He was also pretty bad when someone entered through the front door, but he was typically good at the garage door because half the time he didn’t notice someone new came in.

The point is, practice what you want your pet dog to do at each doorway.

10. decide how long you want your pet dog to stay before you release her

I don’t have a certain length of time I want Remy to stay. It really depends on who is visiting. If a delivery person is at my door, I want Remy to stay until that person is gone. When friends are over with their dogs, I won’t expect Remy to stay for a lot more than a few seconds. but I want him to stay until I release him no matter what. It could be five seconds, it could be 10 minutes.

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11. reinforce the stay command to get your pet dog not to bark at the doorbell

Sometimes it’s great to have your pet dog stay in one spot for up to a half-hour when guests are over. This really teaches the pet dog to be calm before they can seek attention from visitors.

If you have a hyper pet dog but she is trained well to stay on her bed for up to a half-hour, then she can still be a part of the “pack” rather than be shut away in a kennel. It’s also convenient if the pet dog stays on her bed while people are eating.

I remember one time Ace made a decision to make a scene during Thanksgiving dinner and cry while he staying on hissänky. Sitten hän jatkoi itkeä, kun laitoin hänet kenneliinsä. Tämä osoittaa vain, etten ollut vahvistanut oleskelua usein tarpeeksi, kun vieraat olivat ohi. Tämä on erittäin hyvä harjoitella. Aloita vain 30 sekunnissa tai minuutissa kerrallaan.

12. Pidä lemmikkikoira hihnassa kouluttamaan lemmikkikoiraasi olla kuori ovikellolle

Ei ole mitään vikaa pitämällä lemmikkikoiraasi hihnassaan, kun ihmiset tulevat oveen tai kun vieraat ovat ohi. Jos se pitää hänet hallinnassa, kunnes hänellä on ollut paljon enemmän koulutusta, sitten hienoa.

Haluat ehkä harkita lyhyen talutushihnan tai “talutushihäljektoina”, joka on lyhyt talutushihna lemmikkikoira, joka ei pääse kiinni kaikesta, mutta voit helposti pitää kiinni siitä, kunnes näytät lemmikkisi koirasi olla kuori ovikellossa.

13. Varmista, että kaikki kotitaloudessasi olevat ihmiset ovat johdonmukaisia

Jos teet lemmikkikoirasi istumaan ja pysymään etuovessa, mutta lapsesi eivät, niin lemmikkikoira ei ymmärrä, mitä hän on tarkoitus tehdä. Koirat tarvitsevat saman käyttäytymisen toistoa.

Miksi koirat kuorivat ovikellossa?

Jos lemmikkisi koirasi haukkuu ovikellolla, hän on oppinut, että ovikellon ääni osoittaa, että joku on menossa kotiin. Hän voi liittää tämän ekstaatiseen käyttäytymiseen, “Voi, hei?! Kuka voisi olla? Voi poika! ” Tai hän voi olla alueellinen ja suojaava, “Hei! Intruder! ”

Jos olet juuri hyväksynyt lemmikkikoiran, joka asui ulkona tai pentu, joka on vain asunut suojassa, saatat olla järkyttynyt lemmikkikoira ei kuori ovikellossa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että lemmikkisi koira ei ole vielä tehnyt tätä yhteyttä. Hän voi kuitenkin kuitenkaan kuori melua, koska se on uusi ja erilainen.

Mitä lisätä tähän luetteloon saada lemmikkikoira olla kuori ovikellossa?

Kerro meille kommenteissa!

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