How to stop A Dog’s Barking

Hey, guess what? Koirat haukkuvat!

Their barking has helped people for thousands of years by alerting us to intruders. Barking is their job!

But … today, a dog’s barking can certainly be a bit of a nuisance, especially if you’re starting to get complaints from neighbors, a landlord or roommates.

Heck, the barking is probably annoying YOU too!

So today I’m going ot share some tips on how to stop a dog’s indoor barking.

5 suggestions to stop a dog’s indoor barking

1. try to figure out why he’s barking.

People always say, how do I stop my canine from barking? Well, it depends on why he’s barking in the first place. If your canine barks & you’re not sure why, leave a comment below and I’ll help you brainstorm.

Voisiko se olla …

A worry of being alone? A negative association with being in a crate? Tylsistyminen? Reacting to noises or things he sees outside?

Or maybe he’s not getting enough interaction, physical exercise or training?

Does he have certain “triggers” like people walking by in the hall of your apartment, dogs walking by outside or maybe just you picking up your keys to leave makes him anxious?

2. change his environment.

Sometimes the barking is a practice and if you change the dog’s environment or routine a bit, you can take away his typical “triggers” and stop or decrease the barking.

For example, if his barking is triggered by people walking by the window, block him from the window by leaving him in another room or possibly a kennel/crate or even just closing the blinds.

If noises set off his barking, can you block some of the noise by leaving a TV on, music or a loud fan?

How about simply moving his kennel/crate to a different room?

3. double his exercise.

Increasing a dog’s exercise will not resolve a dog’s behavioral problems but it sure does help. If your canine has the energy to bark all day, I’m guessing he’s not getting enough exercise.

I’ve had people tell me, “We walked a mile today, and he’s still not tired.”

One mile?

Try five miles, with a canine backpack and some running. and then do another mile or two in the evening.

I realize not everyone has the time for this. I realize others are not physically capable of that kind of movement.

But you just have to find a way to offer exercise. You just have to.

If you can’t afford canine daycare or a canine walker, then I’m scared you’re going to have to get up early and exercise your canine for 90 minutes before work and another hour in the evening.

If you physically can’t walk or run, then you’re going to have to drive to the canine park every day or pay a canine walker.

Or maybe you’re broke, physically disabled and working overtime with four kids, but you still have to find a way! ?

4. find ways to work your dog’s mind.

Working your dog’s mind by offering him with training, new experiences and challenges is just as essential as physical exercise.

Dogs are intelligent and emotional creatures, and they get a bit crazy and frustrated if they have nothing to do!

Here are some easy ideas for offering games and challenges for your dog:

These really awesome canine puzzles by Nina Ottosson!

Feeding his meals in Kongs

Taking him to a training class once a week such as obedience, agility, etc.

Attending canine daycare or going for walks with a canine walker

Wearing a canine backpack

Teaching a new trick and practicing for 10 mins a day

Playing games like fetch and tug

Teaching your canine to sit, climb on or crawl under different obstacles

Some good ideas in this post: exercising your canine indoors

5. use an anti-bark collar.

I mention this last because it’s not fair to use a bark collar if your dog’s needs are not being met. (Also, I wouldn’t use an anti-bark collar on a fearful/nervous dog.)

However, if you’re offering your canine with plenty of interaction, exercise and training every day and he’s still barking, then in some cases an anti-bark collar is a good service for certain dogs.

I’m planning a post soon specifically about anti-bark collars and whether or not they’re best for different situations. If you have any questions about bark collars, leave them in the comments below.

Also, if you’re still not sure how to stop your dog’s barking, let me and I’ll help you brainstorm some ideas.

We all love dogs but young boy is barking annoying at times!

Do you ever have issues with your canine barking too much?

What’s worked for decreasing the barking? What hasn’t?

More resources:

How to stop your canine from whining for attention

*This post includes Amazon affiliate links.

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